It must be noted that people with lung diseases are not suitable for eating wolfberry

People with lung nodules should not eat wolfberries for health reasons. Wolfberries are rich in a variety of nutrients, but they also contain high levels of oxalate. People with lung nodules have compromised immunity and cannot effectively metabolize oxalates, leading to health problems.

Oxalates can be absorbed into the body through food, and when consumed in excess, oxalate accumulates in the body and causes health risks such as hyperoxaluria, hyperoxalemia and even kidney stones. For people with lung nodules, their weakened immune system is unable to effectively metabolize and eliminate oxalates, so consuming wolfberries can cause adverse health effects.

In addition, wolfberries contain a large amount of vitamin A, which is not good for people with pulmonary nodules. High levels of vitamin A can increase the production of certain proteins, which can lead to inflammation in the lungs and can worsen lung nodules.

Therefore, people with lung nodules should not eat wolfberries for health reasons. Eating other foods that contain lower levels of oxalate, such as apples, bananas and oranges, is better for those with lung nodules.

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